draper dna - experience applied Paulo Chad Ashlie Kathleen Shawn Josh Kevin Rick

experience applied

draper dna - experience applied

experience applied

our experience

  • 3D Graphics

  • Art

  • Branding

  • Copy

  • PR

  • Research

  • Social

  • Video

  • Web


  • 7 Creative Building Solutions That Can Transform Your Space

  • Why Home Improvement Marketing is Essential for Your Business Growth

  • The Future of Home Construction: Trends in Green Building Marketing


Meet Ben Glunz, architect and founder of BIMSmith and Swatchbox. Take a few minutes to read or watch our interview with him and gain a few insights for your business on this Throwback Thursday.

#buildingproductsmarketing #expeerienceapplied #TBT
Quick content idea: Turn your blog posts into infographics. Just remember, boil everything down to the most simple terms. As I say, "Explain it to me like I'm a 4 year old."
Boost your business growth with essential insights on home improvement marketing in our blog 'Why Home Improvement Marketing is Essential for Your Business Growth'.

Building and construction industry: this is our time to shine!
» Reach increases when advertisers add radio to digital-only campaigns (Nielsen)

» AM/FM radio is now the top mass media for reach in the U.S., ahead of TV (Nielsen)

» Audio ads show higher attentiveness scores & generate better recall than video

» Radio listeners have 4.7 billion weekly brand conversations, where more than half (51%) convert to purchase intent

For more stats to back up a potential change to your media buy, check the link in our bio!
"Did you know brand messages are re-shared 24 times more when distributed by employees through employee advocacy vs the brand? Get the scoop in our Throwback Thursday article."

#buildingproductsmarketing #experienceapplied
"It's business; it's not personal." We've all heard that before, right? Truthfully, the earlier you accept this, the better off you'll be. After all, people are busy taking care of themselves, as they should. They’re thinking about their own deadlines, deliverables, and the demands on their own time. 99% of the time they’re not thinking about us. 

But, it's easy to forget this. And Shair Haley's book, "How to Say Anything to Anyone", is full of great techniques on letting things roll off your shoulders. We highly recommend it for your summer reading!

For a preview of Shari's tips (they're great BTW!), check out the link in our bio!

#MondayMotivation #experienceapplied #summerreading
Social selling DOES work. It can actually be incredibly effective. But, in our experience, it requires 3 things every.single.time. 👇 
1. Patience 
2. Training 
3. Savvy people behind the curtain
Buildings account for almost 40% of global energy-related CO2 and will play a major role in a sustainable transformation. The urgent focus and prioritization of #greenbuilding means that marketers should regularly review and update plans so that they incorporate the company's eco-friendly practices.
Did you know that colors have the power to influence people's moods and decisions? Unlock the secrets of color psychology with insights from colorist Kate Smith on this Throwback Thursday! Learn how to use the right shades to evoke specific emotions and create impactful marketing experiences. #buildingproductsmarketing #experienceapplied
Outdoor marketing is still quite effective. In fact, some of the latest trends—like eco-friendly outdoor marketing—get us pretty excited... we've got some fun activation ideas we're ready to use!
This includes content, tools & evergreen paid support. It doesn't account for campaigns or the resources to manage all the pieces.

How does your budget compare?

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