The 3 Ways to Best Measure Your Engagement 

June 10, 2021


There is a part of you wondering if we are talking about a marriage engagement or social media engagement. Rest assured we are talking about social media engagement. More specifically, we are talking about the three ways to best measure your engagement.

What are you measuring?


When asked, we often hear businesses reference the number of followers as their benchmark for success. The number of followers a business has is important to fully leverage the advantages social media has to offer. Just as important is to make certain these followers are the people your business needs to be successful. Knowing your followers are customers, prospects, influencers, partners, and employees means you are investing your time, talent, and treasure to reach the people that will invest in your business. Unfortunately, just having these important people follow you is not enough to know if your social media efforts are working. This is where the three ways to best measure your engagement comes into play.

We are using a report comparing our social media results to four other agencies in the home and building industry to demonstrate our point. These are actual results. We have blocked the names of the other agencies as they are not required to make our point with you.


Draper DNA targets clients and client prospects only versus all interested parties. Draper DNA also focused on the home and building industries exclusively which reduces the number of potential followers.



By definition, engagement is the action your followers take as a result of your social media efforts. There are three types of engagement we can measure by the actions of your followers. The first and the lowest level of engagement is Applause. Applause is simply when a follower “likes” your post. This is the lowest form of engagement because it requires the least amount of investment by the follower. In fact, there is no guarantee the follower even read the post. They may have read the headline or simply like it because it came from you. As a result, does a like give you a proper understanding of the impact of the post you researched, wrote, edited, and found just the right image to attach? We think not.


The number of posts can determine the number of likes being reported.



The second measure of engagement is Conversation. Engagement through Conversation means the followers have taken the time to comment on your post. They are investing their time and talent in sharing their thoughts with you and your followers. These comments can range from a compliment to a criticism, but they are giving you something in return for your outreach to them. Receiving a comment from your followers is a good thing that can lead to a conversation and hopefully a conversion to a loyal customer or a problem solved.


The type of content you post can determine the number of comments you receive. Sharing employee information receives many of the comments with these audiences.



The highest form of engagement is Amplification, where your post is so meaningful and impactful that the follower is compelled to share it with all their friends, associates, customers, and partners. By sharing your post, they are sharing their brand (AKA reputation) with you. Your followers are saying this post from you is so good, so right, so important that I think you need to see it.

A driven person or business wants to be a leader in all three measures of engagement – Applause, Conversation, and Amplification. This is a rare trifecta that is shared only by the few. Milwaukee Tool is the best example of a company leading their competitors and the Top 50 list of building products manufacturers in all three ways to best measure your engagement. Nonetheless, it can be and is being done.


Content strategy will determine the type of responses you receive from your followers. Draper DNA focuses on sharing marketing and social media innovations, insights, and best practices.

What’s in it for you?


Information, insights, and best practices shared to help you and your business achieve the highest level of success in measured social media. Social media is a powerful and increasingly important self-publishing platform for you and your business. You can deliver your original content to your preferred, targeted audiences, when the audiences are most likely to read and engagement with them and measure the outcome of your efforts. ?This is why social media is being forecast to constitute more than 50% of all sales and marketing budgets this year, increasing 100% by 2025.

If you feel that your business is achieving a fraction of the potential social media offers, let us know and we can help.



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